Hand-Tied Arrangement
Hand-tied Bouquet has a fresh and fun look that is set to brighten your special recipient’s day! Lavender roses, purple carnations, white daisies, violet mini carnations, white Asiatic Lilies, and lush greens are hand-tied artistically by a floral artist to create a stunning flower arrangement. Hand Tied Bouquets in Nairobi| Hand Tied Flowers Delivered in Kenya| Flowers Delivered from Nairobi Florist
A Loving Treasure
KShs4,500Fresh and lively red roses combine with beautiful pink and white roses to express good thought and love to that close person
Her Special Day Bouquet
KShs4,500Here’s a lovely bouquet of red roses to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day ,Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Joy of Love
KShs7,500Brighten someone’s day with this beautiful arrangement of roses and 24 pieces Italian chocolates. This gift is ideal for a birthday, as a thank you, or just to let someone know you’re thinking about them!
More Than Words
KShs6,000Red Roses will always be an excellent option to surprise the one you love, when you add Chocolates it becomes more magic. Pictured is a combination of red roses and 16 Ferrero chocolates.
100 Roses Elegance
KShs9,500100 Roses for a hundred moments of happiness shared with you.Send your loved one this bouquet of white and red roses that is bsure to make their day beautiful
Bouquet and Love Balloon
KShs4,500Say ‘I love you’ with this beautiful combo and create long lasting memories .Consists Flowers and ‘I, topper. Package is available for same day delivery.
White Lilies and Roses
KShs5,500Set someone’s spirits softly at ease with the soothing presence of our pure white lilies and roses filling the room with fragrant smell. Your heartfelt kindness will be remembered for years to come.
Sweet and Fragrant
KShs4,500Red Roses will always be an excellent option to surprise the one you love, when you add Chocolates it becomes more magic. Pictured is a combination of red roses and 11 pieces Ferrero chocolates.
White Elegance Bouquet
KShs4,000Could there be anything as elegant as this hand-tied rose bouquet? This chic and sophisticated bouquet is made up of white roses and baby’s breath for a thoughtful and fabulous flower gift to send with Same Day Flower Delivery!
Ultimate Apology
KShs4,500They say that an apology is a lovely perfume, it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift. This bouquet was expertly crafted just to help you do that.
Yellow Beauty
KShs4,000Yellow roses are a bold, beautiful gift a time-honored tradition that exudes love and beauty with every striking stem for any occasion .Send sweet wishes to your special someone with this bouquet and paint a happy picture in their hearts.
Sweet and Beautiful
KShs6,500Special moments are made more special when they are greeted with roses and chocolates. This is a gift set of red and pink roses that is looking dazzling with the mesh cover and a pink ribbon bow. The chocolate box would increase the love and sweetness on your bond for sure.
Smooth like Amarula
KShs10,500Friendship and love, no better combination, expressed openly in this beautifully presented combination. Consists Amarula 750m, chocolates and beautiful roses wrapped by our experienced florists.
Robertson Hamper
KShs6,850Here’s a lovely hamper consisting of roses,Robertson wine,ferrero chocolate.Ideal to wish a lovely Valentine’s, Birthday,Anniversary,Mother’s Day , Father’s Day. Say,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Elegant Choice
KShs4,000Everyone loves flowers! You will find both small daisies & roses in romantic colors. A bouquet as sweet as strawberries summer.
The Parfum Bouquet
KShs4,000Send a smile to your special someone with this heartwarming bouquet of sweet smelling flowers.
Bounteous Bouquet
KShs6,500Here’s a lovely bouquet to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day , Father’s Day. Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will. Consists 24 Pcs Ferrero Rocher chocolate and baby breaths.
Chirpy Combo
KShs6,500Create a wonderful moment of love with this timeless gifts. A stunning bouquet of the freshest flowers would express your lovely gesture and when a box of Swiss Chocolate is added, the gift becomes more passionate!
You Are Special!
KShs6,750Send sweet birthday wishes to your special someone with this special combination of flowers, chocolate and birthday topper.
Valentine’s Spirit
KShs7,500Create a wonderful moment of love with this timeless gifts. A stunning bouquet of the freshest roses would express your lovely gesture and when a box of Swiss Chocolate is added, the gift becomes more passionate!
Ray of Love
KShs6,500What’s the scoop on this bright combination? Well, our Ray of Love is curated with a full serving of freshness and sweetness by our local florists to make anyone’s day sweeter.
Stop,pop and toast
KShs15,500Stop, pop and toast combo consists of Belaire gold champagne, flowers and Ferrero Chocolate. Ideal for Love, Birthdays ,Anniversary or any other life’s special occasion.
Love Expressed
KShs4,000Say “I love you” by sending this lovely arrangement of red roses, baby breaths, Love You topper and 3 pieces of chocolates. Love always.
The Perfect Pick
KShs14,000A perfect romantic gift to send to the one who’s always on your mind and in your heart -combo of roses, precious teddy bear 100cms and a box of chocolates.
Rosy romance+ Wine
KShs6,800This excellent gift set will surely bring joy to a recipient! It consists of bouquet of flowers and wine.
Flowers and Dark Chocolate
KShs5,500Bouquet and dark sweet chocolate box. This combo is a perfect gift for anyone for any life’s occasion. Available for same day delivery.
KShs6,500Red roses with 1 kg chocolate chocolate cake. Cake flavor can be customized.
Flowers-Amarula Combo
KShs7,000Friendship and love, no better combination, expressed openly in this beautifully presented combination. Consists 1L Amarula and beautiful roses wrapped by our experienced florists.
Close to My Heart
KShs11,000Share rich and bold treats with Close to My Heart combo . Huggable teddy bear, Rosso Nobile chocolate flavored wine and flowers await within this beautifully presented gift. Perfect for any person close to your heart.
Lindor and Bouquet
KShs5,500This combination comprises of bouquet and Lindor chocolate .This luxury gift is Perfect for any special occasion, a gift worth giving!
Moet and Bouquet
KShs17,500Lovely package consisting of Moet & Chandon champagne and bouquet perfect to paint a happy picture in their hearts.
Guylian-Flower Combo
KShs5,500This combination comprises of bouquet and Guylian chocolate .This luxury gift is Perfect for any special occasion, a gift worth giving!
Sweet Hugs
KShs8,500Huggable giant teddy bear 60 cms and a bouquet flower. You can now send your love to the people you love by sending them this and make them feel special.
Teddy Color: Pink, white, dark brown -
Gordon’s-Flower Choco
KShs9,800Delight a special person in your life with a super combination that consists: Gordon’s Gin , Ferrero chocolates and a bouquet of assorted flowers. Ideal to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day, Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Gordon’s-Flower Combo
KShs6,800Gordon’s Gin and flowers are a perfect gift for someone special. Perfect gift for love, birthday, anniversary, congratulations or any other life’s occasion.
Gordon’s Super Combo
KShs10,500Delight a special person in your life with a super hamper that consists: Gordon’s gin, Prosecco wine, Ferrero chocolates and a bouquet of assorted flowers. Ideal to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day, Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Love and Light
KShs5,000A bold and romantic gesture that really shows that special someone in your life what their love truly means to you. A combination of flowers and LED color changing candle.
Queen’s Treat
Original price was: KShs17,000.KShs16,500Current price is: KShs16,500.Delight a special queen in your life with a super hamper that consists: Moet, Ferrero chocolates, Scented led Candle and a bouquet of assorted flowers. Ideal to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day, Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Take me Home
KShs6,500Send this gift to someone special so they can sit back and nurse a glass of BEST Amarula while smelling the fragrance of fresh carnations.
Large Multicolored Bouquet
KShs10,000Take their day from drab to fab with this vibrant mix of roses! With pink,red,yellow and white this mixed bouquet will make any day better. Get this Burst of Colours Bouquet delivered with Same Day Flower Delivery
Madly in Love
KShs4,000This is more than just a gift – it is an incredible bouquet of roses and sweets that your recipient will remember for a very long time!
Botanical Beauty
KShs4,000Assorted flowers ‘Botanical Beauty’ bouquet is perfect for congratulations,birthday,anniversary and many more life’s occasions.
Cherished Friend Bouquet
KShs3,500For the friends who truly feel like family, share your thoughts and love with timeless white flowers. Our Cherished Friend bouquet is comprised of a striking array of white roses. Each bloom combines your thoughtful messages with stunning texture.
Craspedia Bouquet
KShs4,500Known familiarly as the “billy button” or “drumstick,”.They are a special type of flowers that are suitable for anniversary, new baby, delivering get well wishes, a hospital gift, funeral flowers or special tribute.They make great cut flowers and have a vase life of 8-10 days.