Hand-Tied Arrangement
Hand-tied Bouquet has a fresh and fun look that is set to brighten your special recipient’s day! Lavender roses, purple carnations, white daisies, violet mini carnations, white Asiatic Lilies, and lush greens are hand-tied artistically by a floral artist to create a stunning flower arrangement. Hand Tied Bouquets in Nairobi| Hand Tied Flowers Delivered in Kenya| Flowers Delivered from Nairobi Florist
Sweet and Beautiful
KShs6,500Special moments are made more special when they are greeted with roses and chocolates. This is a gift set of red and pink roses that is looking dazzling with the mesh cover and a pink ribbon bow. The chocolate box would increase the love and sweetness on your bond for sure.
Robertson Hamper
KShs6,850Here’s a lovely hamper consisting of roses,Robertson wine,ferrero chocolate.Ideal to wish a lovely Valentine’s, Birthday,Anniversary,Mother’s Day , Father’s Day. Say,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Bounteous Bouquet
KShs6,500Here’s a lovely bouquet to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day , Father’s Day. Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will. Consists 24 Pcs Ferrero Rocher chocolate and baby breaths.
Gordon’s-Flower Choco
KShs9,800Delight a special person in your life with a super combination that consists: Gordon’s Gin , Ferrero chocolates and a bouquet of assorted flowers. Ideal to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day, Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Gordon’s Super Combo
KShs10,500Delight a special person in your life with a super hamper that consists: Gordon’s gin, Prosecco wine, Ferrero chocolates and a bouquet of assorted flowers. Ideal to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day, Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Queen’s Treat
Original price was: KShs17,000.KShs16,500Current price is: KShs16,500.Delight a special queen in your life with a super hamper that consists: Moet, Ferrero chocolates, Scented led Candle and a bouquet of assorted flowers. Ideal to wish a lovely Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day, Say ,”I Love You ”, “thank you just for being you” with a gift like this symbolizing all the moments of a love that has meant a great deal and always will.
Craspedia Bouquet
KShs4,500Known familiarly as the “billy button” or “drumstick,”.They are a special type of flowers that are suitable for anniversary, new baby, delivering get well wishes, a hospital gift, funeral flowers or special tribute.They make great cut flowers and have a vase life of 8-10 days.